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snippet: This dataset indicates whether any portion of a quarter section is heritage sensitive. In this case, heritage sensitive indicates the presence of a known archaeological site(s) or the potential to contain intact archaeological sites.
summary: This dataset indicates whether any portion of a quarter section is heritage sensitive. In this case, heritage sensitive indicates the presence of a known archaeological site(s) or the potential to contain intact archaeological sites.
extent: [[-110.671650197303,48.8912503941568],[-100.869588805124,54.7784299545849]]
accessInformation: Heritage Conservation Branch, Saskatchewan Ministry of Parks, Culture and Sport
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: This dataset is meant as a planning tool to guide developers in determining whether their developments will need to be reviewed for potential impacts to heritage resources. The dataset is based on legal land descriptions (at the quarter section level) and gives three responses to users: Not Sensitive, Conditionally Sensitive, and Heritage Sensitive. Quarters that are not sensitive will not require review and a copy of the results can be used as heritage clearance; quarters that are conditionally sensitive will only require a review if the development will impact undisturbed land and a copy of the results can be used as heritage clearance as long as it is used in conjunction with imagery plans that clearly show that development is on disturbed land; and quarters that are heritage sensitive will require a review by the Heritage Conservation Branch of Saskatchewan Parks, Culture and Sport.
title: HeritageSensitivity
type: Map Service
tags: ["Heritage","PCS","Parks","Culture and Sport"]
culture: en-US
name: HeritageSensitivity
guid: 21FEBD6B-5120-4991-BEA8-79A649B5CE7F
spatialReference: NAD_1983_CSRS_UTM_Zone_13N